



  • Research, publications, content development, and 编程 in connection with entrepreneurship
  • 培训, 教育, and support services for small businesses in Michigan particularly those belonging to marginalized and economically challenged communities
  • In depth analysis of the entrepreneurial environment in Michigan via the 密歇根创业记分卡


19年前,当计分卡第一次构想出来的时候, 密歇根州正处于长期经济放缓之中. The 玛雅吧官网 Association of Michigan (SBAM) set an ambitious goal to start the long and difficult climb of becoming a “Top Ten” state for entrepreneurs. 但是要达到这个目标, we had to understand how Michigan performed against other states in a variety of areas.

当时, SBAM had no ready reference with which to know how well its entrepreneurial economy was doing; no comprehensive data reference to determine progress. 于是,我们开始设计并发布年度进度. The resultant Score Card is now recognized nationally as one of the most complete assessments of a state’s ‘state of small business and entrepreneurship’.




Join us as we return to the Medalist Golf Course in Marshall on August 15, 2024.


工作坊是一个 one-day training seminar for business owners/leaders and HR professionals, providing tools and insights needed that will help companies hire Michiganders with disabilities.

MI Hidden Talent是2015年由当时的Lt. Governor 布莱恩·卡利 and Michigan Supreme Court Justice Richard Bernstein.

大卫 Rhoa, sam基金会的执行董事

大卫·C. Rhoa | sam基金会执行董事


大卫 Rhoa (pronounced “roy”) is the Executive Director of the SBAM基金会 and a serial entrepreneur owning multiple businesses serving customers around the world.


A woman named 邦妮阿方索 drinks from a logo branded cup in front of a step and repeat with the Alfie logo


总统 & 首席装饰官| Alfie Logo Gear for Work & 玩

至少她的名片上是这么写的. 哪一个, 从商33年, Bonnie has determined this basically means that not only does she make sure the break room is fully stocked with great looking coffee cups with the company logo, 这也意味着她最终可能会洗衣服.

邦妮出身于一个企业家家族, both her father and grandfather were Michigan small business owners. When Bonnie reflects on her days working in one of the family businesses she tells herself that those summers dressed in costume as the water park mascot, 海狸贝琪, 都是性格塑造.

Bonnie is a Past Chair of the 玛雅吧官网 Association of Michigan.



总统 & 首席执行官|玛雅吧2APP

布莱恩·卡利 is a collaborative leader who combines the skills from an accomplished private sector career with an extensive record of public service and a reputation for getting things done. He is passionate about making the world work better for all people and uses an inclusive problem-solving approach to make a difference.

布莱恩在2011年至2018年期间担任密歇根州副州长. 在那之前, 他曾在密歇根州众议院任职, 爱奥尼亚县委员会委员, 在社区银行工作了十多年. 他持有密歇根州立大学文学学士学位, 格兰谷州立大学工商管理硕士学位, 以及哈佛大学的MPA学位.



In 2022 罗伯·福勒 became Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Public Policy Associates (PPA). He has more than 35 years of experience in the public policy arena as an association CEO and a board member of various organizations focused on business, 卫生保健, 教育, 和住房. 在PPA之前,Mr. Fowler held the position of president and CEO for the 玛雅吧官网 Association of Michigan for 21 years.

He has led several organizations through strategic planning and implementation of resulting plans and aids clients in leading through reflection on mission, 愿景, 目标, 和策略.


副总裁| Med-Share Inc.

As the leader of Business Development and Strategic Partnerships for Med-Share, Mr. Gandhi has made a name for himself as a tenacious marketer and tireless networker. He serves on the 董事会 for the National 玛雅吧官网 Association and is also a Past Chairman of the Board of the 玛雅吧官网 Association (SBAM) as well as a current member the SBAM Political Action Committee Board.

He was an advisor and member of the Finance Committee for Governor Whitmer’s campaigns in 2018 and 2022. In 2020-2021, he was a member of the Michigan Economic Recovery Council (MERC) advising Governor Whitmer on Michigan’s COVID response with respect to business and employment policy.



辛西娅·凯 and Company produces communications for organizations from Fortune Global 100 to small business. 毕业于密歇根州立大学, Kay holds a master’s in communications from Western Michigan University.

She is the Past Board Chair of the 玛雅吧官网 Association of Michigan (SBAM) and the National 玛雅吧官网 Association (NSBA). Cynthia has been honored with many awards including numerous Tellys and Woman Owned 玛雅吧官网 Supplier of the Year from Siemens in 2018. She has been named One of West Michigan’s 50 Most Influential Women 5 times. 辛西娅写了几本书. 她的新书是 玛雅吧官网. 巨大的成功. 如何克服困难,成长为伟大的企业.



Tom的主要关注点是早期阶段的计划, 编程, 总体规划, 概念设计, 项目管理和企业管理.  His projects have received numerous design awards and recognitions.  汤姆是美国建筑师协会的会员.

Tom is a past SBAM Board Chair and a current member of the Leadership Council and the Legislative Action Committee. Tom also serves on the Boards of the Michigan Architectural Foundation, St, Cecilia Music Center in Grand Rapids and the Rotary Club of Grand Rapids Charities Foundation.



帕克在SBAM工作了28年, 首先担任政府关系处处长, 为全州的sam成员提供宣传和游说服务.  以她目前的首席运营官身份, 帕克负责预算和财务, 人力资源, 设施管理和治理.